WAS THE BEST DAY EVER! on 9/9/09 our sweet baby devin came home from the NICU after a 79 day stay. he weighed 7 lbs. and was still 2 weeks away from his original due date. he was beautiful, perfect and healthy and we were so scared, happy, excited, nervous, anxious... those words seem so bland in comparison to the way we actually felt. there are no words to describe how wonderful it was to finally bring our boy home.
we got to the hospital at around 11am and didnt leave until around 3pm. we had so many instructions, papers to sign and healthcare professionals to meet with. when the time came to dress devin in his cute little "go home" outfit, i about lost it with happiness! then came the most exciting part... unhooking him from his last wires! he was just on a monitor at that point but it was AMAZING to finally walk into the hall holding him with nothing attached. it was surreal. i was, of course so afraid that he wasnt breathing even though he was fine. they wheeled me out in a wheelchair holding him. this was hospital policy and i wasnt about to complain. i DESERVED that ride and so did devin! i had watched woman after woman be wheeled out of that hospital with their babies every day while i was taking the elevator to the top floor to visit mine :( being pushed through the doors and out to my waiting car while holding my sweet baby was my first "normal mom moment" and it felt wierd and wonderful! looking at us, you would never know what we had been through and that i hadnt just given birth 2 days before. at that point, i think i let go of a lot of emotional baggage i had been storing for the last months. not all of it, but most of it :)
when we got home we laid our bundle in the co-sleeper fabian built for him and gave him his first feeding at home. we were nervous but confident at the same time. we had already gotten to know devin a little and he was sort of on a schedule for feeding at least so that was nice. he settled right in and adjusted very well to his brand new, much more comfortable surroundings. it was the best day of my life and i will never forget it!
this was his last picture taken in his hospital crib :) i consider this his newborn hospital picture that we never got to have taken!
here are the pictures i took of him today in celebration of our special day. i couldnt resist putting him in this outfit! i LOVE it! im so so happy that this adorable little boy is all mine! he has officially lived in our home for 1 year and has officially stolen my heart long before that :)
Aww yeah! That is SO cool that you got to be wheeled out in a wheelchair. I wonder why it is hospital policy? I wish I had done that though because like you said you watch mom after mom being wheeled out and you want that SO badly for so long. How awesome is that.